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Video: 3 Secrets to Success for Monetizing Live Streams

Beyond all the technical and technological challenges of streaming large-scale events is the bottom-line necessity of getting them seen and making them profitable. In this clip from the 2015 直播峰会, DaCast VP Greg Ellis offers three essential tips for monetizing live event streams: Replay, 预售, and providing clear instructions to get less internet-savvy viewers past the paywall and on to the live content you're delivering.

观看完整的小组演讲, 将直播转化为利润,摘自2015年直播峰会.



菲利普·尼尔森: What are the three most important things for them to write down on their notebooks or in their laptops to turn the corner and take their webcasting and streaming from something that's costing them money to something that's making them money?

格雷格·埃利斯: 总是有一个重放选项. Figure out a way to package and offer a replay for a live event. 不需要写很长. 它可以是一次重放. 重放一遍. 它是一个全球观众. People aren't in the same hour of their day when the event happens live. You'll get a much, much bigger overall audience, number one.

第二,至少提前一个月预售. 只是, 再一次。, my comment earlier about doing the same kind of promotion that you would if you were a concert promoter in your local town. You don't start promoting two days before your live event. 没人会找到的. 你预售.

第三个是预售之后, make sure wherever your player is with the paywall you have clear links to instructions about how to walk through the buy because grandma, 爷爷, 我不用这个是因为关系. 我想到了我妈妈. 87 years old and she thinks the browser window is the internet and she punches things so when she has a problem it's, “好的妈妈. 你打了什么??“你走过这个.

Customers on pay-per-view have a lot of these same issues. 他们不知道如何描述他们的问题. They don't know how to get through the paywall a lot of times. 我们的付费墙,我们试图让它变得简单. Cling and Vindicia both offer much more sophisticated and easier to use paywalls than ours. Like I said, our business is streaming, not the paywall particularly. Have clear instructions on how to get through the paywall, 如何购买, 开放你的付费墙, 30 minutes before you start doing pre-event programming just like all major sports events do so people can come on and get excited. Then you can couple that with your regular marketing to promote last minute excitement through social media.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


牛头犬数字媒体首席执行官 & Founder John Petrocelli discusses how to achieve scale and success with ad-funded live experiences in this clip from 直播峰会 at 流媒体 West 2019.

Video: How Has Mobile Engagement Changed Video Monetization?

Agora co-founder Tony Wang discusses how mobile engagement, 通过多主机反馈和交互, has changed the way his company has monetized live video.

Video: Technical Challenges of Monetizing and Selling Online Video

InPlayer CEO George Meek discusses the challenges of enabling and supporting online sales of video content, from transactions to localization to time-to-market and paywalls.

Video: The ROI of Redundancy in Large-Scale Live Streams

Verizon's Joe Einstein and Right Brain Media's Deke Cooper discuss redundancy best practices they've used for webcasts that are too big to fail, 比如格莱美奖, 奥斯卡颁奖典礼, 和大师们.

Busker Adds Commerce to its Live Video Streaming Experience

Trying to compete with more established platforms YouNow and Live.me, Busker lets video creators sell physical or digital goods directly to fans.

Video: 首页 Runs: Using Fiber to Direct and Deliver Live Shows Remotely

Peter Hartz explains how The Switch leveraged fiber technology to cut, 开关, and deliver Univision's live soccer broadcasts from their home office, and how the infrastructure can be used for a range of other purposes including live OTT in this excerpt from his 直播峰会 panel.

Video: How Analytics Can Make Your Live Streams 更多的 Successful

Experts from Akamai, Comcast, Conviva, and Yahoo! 讨论关键分析, 指标, and assessment strategies that will help you deliver more effective and profitable live streams.

Video: Apps vs Mobile Web for Live Event Streaming

Experts debate the pros and cons of longform live event viewing on the mobile web and native iOS and Android apps in this clip from 直播峰会.

视频:纤维vs. 用于大规模事件流的卫星

The Switch's Peter Hartz and Live X's Corey Behnke make the case at 直播峰会 for fiber as a reliable, 敏捷, and inexpensive alternative to traditional satellite trucks for large-scale broadcasts.


TourGigs' Casey Charvet and Right Brain Media's Deke Hooper discuss the challenges of securing live-streamed paid content using traditional methods.